Combined installation for ozone and ultrasound therapy

Dr. S. Mirmov Naum. Kiryat Yam, Yosef Tal str. 24/927, Israel. Ph. 972−50−850−9416.

Doctor of Medicine Karol Ella. Nahariya, Sosskin str. 11/1, Israel. Ph. 972−54−492−0208.

The proposed installation of the combined type contains apparatuses and devices for therapeutic, physiotherapeutic and massage procedures, also includes apparatuses and devices for saturation of physiological solutions and vegetable oils with ozone.

Ozone therapy is a treatment method that quickly eliminates oxygen starvation, improves glucose uptake by cells, and produces biologically active compounds. Ozone therapy allows you to balance the work of human organs and systems. The therapeutic effects of ozone therapy methods are very diverse, which allows them to be used in different areas of medicine. The main methods of ozone therapy are as follows: intravenous drip of saline, enriched with ozone; large autohemotherapy with ozone-oxygen mixture; ozone-oxygen insufflation.

As a rule, all known devices and devices are designed to perform highly targeted medical or physiotherapeutic procedures. The most widely used devices for ozone therapy in the treatment of wounds, burns, as well as in the treatment of a wide range of diseases and in dentistry.

Ultrasonic therapy due to mechanical, thermal and physico-chemical effects («micromassage» of cells and tissues) activates metabolic processes that enhance the immune properties of the body. Ultrasound has a pronounced analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect, stimulates the blood and lymph circulation regenerative processes, improves tissue trophism. In medical practice, methods of ultrasound therapy have been widely used, which includes the delivery of drugs and pharmaceuticals through the skin to the body, as well as for the treatment of various skin diseases.

1. The main differences of the proposed installation from the known analogues

1.1. This technical proposal allows in one installation to carry out at the same time several technological processes, carrying out various physiotherapeutic, therapeutic and massage procedures for a wide range of diseases.The installation has a wide functionality so it provides all the apparatuses and devices, and is equipped with an automatic control unit provided.

1.2. The unit is equipped with a compact oxygen concentrator equipped with a bacterial filter and a compressor that supplies air to the adsorption columns.

1.3. The installation contains an apparatus for treating and saturating vegetable oil and physiological solutions with ozone.

1.4. The apparatus for treating and saturation of the vegetable oil with ozone contains two or more bubbling columns, the number of which depends on the capacity and main targets of the installation.

1.5. Therapeutic applicator of the combined type on the basis, which the removables therapeutics heads is attached.

1.6. Inside the applicator chamber there are: a collector with nozzles for supplying ozonized oil (saline) to the patient’s body part being treated, a collector for supplying an ozone-oxygen mixture and a focusing device with radiating elements of ultrasonic vibrations.

2. Main technical parameters and advantages of the proposed installation:

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

2.1. Fig. 1 presents the schematic diagram of the proposed installation of the combined type for therapeutic, physiotherapy and massage procedures using gas containing ozone, and ultrasound.

2.2. The overall dimensions of the installation depend on the performance of the oxygen concentrator and the ozone generator, the performance and power of the ultrasonic device and other elements.

2.3. For ozonization of physiological solutions, vegetable oils and other drugs, an improved apparatus is used, which accelerates the process of saturation with ozone several times in comparison with the known bubbling apparatus.

2.4. The use of an oxygen concentrator reduces costs and energy consumption, that is, installation is economically less expensive than the current ones.

2.5. A combined type applicator with integrated ozonized oil supply devices and modern ultrasonic devices ensure efficient delivery of oil under the patient’s skin.

3. Areas of use:

3.1. Gastroenterology: gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis, acute and chronic hepatitis of various kinds.

3.2. Obstetrics: anemiaofpregnancy, fetalhypotrophy, miscarriage, gestosis.

3.3. Cardiology: ischemic heart disease, atherosclerotic vascular disease, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, infectious endo- and myocarditis, endarteritis obliterans.

3.4. Neurology: vegetative dystonia, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, ischemic stroke.

3.5. Gynecology and urology: genital herpes, condylomatosis, genital candidiasis, chronic urethritis and prostatitis, acute and chronic diseases of the female genital.

3.6. Respiratory diseases: bronchitis and pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis.

3.7. Pathology of the organs of motion and support: arthrosis, arthritis, treatment of fractures.

3.8. Diabetes mellitus, dermatology and cosmetology: neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, herpes lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, herpes (red, pink, scaly), acne, furunculosis, lipodystrophy (cellulite), striae, scars, in the complex treatment of gonorrhea and syphilis

4. The economic feasibility of the use and manufacture of installations of the combined type

4.1. For the enterprise of the developer and the manufacturer of the economic efficiency is determined as follows:

4.1.1. The costs of developing pilot samples of the installation are reduced by more than 50%, since only a combined type applicator and an apparatus for saturating vegetable oil (saline) with of the ozone-oxygen mixture is subject to new development.

4.1.2. The first cost of production can be reduced by 20−25% due to the use of fabricated members and component parts for the ultrasonic part of the installation.

4.1.3. The manufacturer receives additional income from the manufacture of therapeutic heads different of the dimension-type.

4.1.4. The company provides the contract supervision of the installation at the workplace and maintenance during the warranty period.

4.2. For hospitals, clinics, massage rooms, SPA, which acquire the installation of the combined type, the economic efficiency consists of the following indicators:

4.2.1. The possibility of a one-time service is extended to 8−10 patients, and moreover, with ozone therapy and ultrasound therapy, or a combination of them, depending on the duration and intensity of the procedure.

4.2.2. Due to the use of the oxygen concentrator the expenses for the purchase of medical oxygen are reduced by 30−40%.

4.2.3. The installation works in automatic mode, which reduces maintenance costs by 15−20%.

4.2.4. Additional profits can be obtained from the preparation of ozonated olive oil or saline for delivery to pharmacies or other medical and massage facilities.

5. The European Union patent № 6789 LT dated 28.12.2020 «Installation for carrying out ozone and ultrasonic therapy» was obtained for the technological scheme of the installation and the design of a number of elements,as well as a patent of the European Union № 6794 LT dated 28.12.2020 «Endoecological method of healing, correcting and physiological normalization of the human body».


1. The duration of the project should be about 36−38 months.

2. The estimated costs of the first and second years of work on the development and creation of a pilot sample of the installation are about 420,000−430,000 €.

3. Subsequent years of work will require a reduction in costs of approximately 20−22%.

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