Key Abbreviation
(Click on the
key for the list of scientists with this affiliation)
N of Sci Number of Scientists from main and active lists
affiliated in this institute
CI86 Main citation index (total number of citations made after 1986.)
CI7 Active citation index (total number of
citations of papers published last 7 years.)
Rank | Key | Name | N of Sci | CI86 | CI7 | |
1 | Ioffe PTI | Ioffe Physical-Technical Institu te RAS | 135 | 208956 | 44213 | |
2 | Landau ITP | Landau Institute for Theoretica l Physics RAS | 56 | 157698 | 12079 | |
3 | LPI | Lebedev Physical Institute RAS | 61 | 145584 | 19318 | |
4 | MSU Chem | Faculty of Chemistry MSU | 92 | 143665 | 25598 | |
5 | ITEP | Institute of Theoretical and Experime ntalPhysics, Moscow | 49 | 103471 | 13349 | |
6 | JINR | The Joint Institute for Nuclear Resea rch | 74 | 100460 | 21269 | |
7 | Steklov MI | Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS | 26 | 87085 | 6525 | |
8 | SPbSU | St. Petersburg State University | 73 | 81828 | 17541 | |
9 | PNPI | B.P.Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear P hysics Institute RAS | 40 | 79550 | 12810 | |
10 | INR RAS | Institute for Nuclear Research RA S | 39 | 73343 | 9307 | |
11 | Kurchatov I | Russian Research Centre Kurch atov Institute | 42 | 72182 | 12810 | |
12 | MSU Phys | Faculty of Physics MSU | 66 | 71442 | 18919 | |
13 | IKI | Space Research Institute RAS | 36 | 68935 | 19822 | |
14 | MSU Belozersky | A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology MSU | 41 | 63202 | 10308 | |
15 | Gen Phys | A.M.Prokhorov General Physics In stitute RAS | 45 | 61606 | 11699 | |
16 | Organoelement Cpds | A.N.Nesmeyanov Institu te of Organoelement Compounds RAS | 37 | 51237 | 11876 | |
17 | Catalysis | Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SbRAS | 49 | 49627 | 11627 | |
18 | Bioorgan Chem | Shemyakin & Ovchinnikov Ins titute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS | 31 | 49061 | 12446 | |
19 | Crystall | A.V.Shubnikov Institute of Cryst allography RAS | 24 | 45731 | 7058 | |
20 | ISSP | Institute of Solid State Physics RAS | 38 | 42587 | 7455 | |