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Scientific-Engineering Center


P.O.B. 3682, Ma’alot, 2105906, ISRAEL

Phone: +972-50-8509416; Fax: +972-4-9971336

E-mail: naumir@yandex.ru



108840,  Russia,  Moscow, Troitsk

Тел: +7-910-404-6904; +7-905-782-2040

E-mail: miily@yandex.ru; pd6@bk.ru






Technical and economic proposal


The energy installation on the alternative energy sources


The proposed energy installation is designed to generate electricity and heat. The installation allows:

-          Receive electrical and thermal energy without using any organic fuel;

-          Absolutely environmentally friendly generation of electrical and heat energy;

-          The installation can be used on objects (housing, industrial and agricultural) located far from the power supply centers;

-          The energy installation can function practically in all regions from northern to southern latitudes.

To generate electricity, a wind-power engine and photovoltaic panels are used. Thermal energy is obtained with the help of solar collectors of a combined type. The solar collector of the combined type consists of a heat-absorbing panel, a heat exchanger and a photovoltaic panel.

The energy installation comprises: a wind-power engine, a generator block, a block of the photovoltaic panels, a solar collector of the combined type and an energy conversion block for charging the accumulator batteries.

The energy installation includes a thermal energy storage unit with a storage power of 6-7 kW. The unit is also equipped with a tank for the heat carrier (water or aqueous solution of ethylene glycol).

The photovoltaic panels and the solar collector of the combined type, as well as the impeller of the wind-power engine, are mounted on a demountable base. The base of lightweight metal structures is mounted on the roof of the working or living quarters.

A version of the base for the energy installation in the form of a separate structure was developed. The generator unit and the conversion unit are installed in a separate container.


1. The main differences of the proposed energy installation:

1.1. The impeller of the wind-power engine is made with a vertical axis. The blades of the impeller have a conical profile and a free attachment, ensuring the turn of the blade by 2-3° during rotation;

1.2. The wind-power engine can normally operate at a wind speed of 0.7 to 8.0 m / s. Provides protection of the impeller from winds exceeding the speed of 50 km / h;

1.3. The solar collector of the combined type consists of a heat-absorbing panel, a heat exchanger and a photovoltaic panel that provides heating of the heat-carrying agent at night or inclement weather;

1.4. The energy installation is equipped with a small-sized accumulator of thermal energy, which is accumulated by a eutectic solution;

1.5. The heat-absorbing panel the solar collector of combined type and heat transfer elements of the heat accumulator are made of heat pipes or closed two-phase thermosyphons;

1.6. Depending on the location of the energy installation, photovoltaic panels of flat or conical shape are used, and can be made of flexible thin-film materials;

1.7. The energy installation can be equipped with a refrigeration machine (vapor compression or absorption refrigeration machine) with a refrigerating capacity of up to 10-12 kW with a boiling point of the refrigerant in the evaporator of -10°C and a condensation temperature of + 35°C.


2. The main technical parameters and advantages of the energy installation:

2.1. Depending on the requirements of the customer, the total capacity of the installation can range from 5.2 kW to 16 kW. One solar collector of the combined type (standard sizes) generates 1.8-2.2 kW of thermal energy and 0.125 kW of electrical energy. Wind-powered engine with the minimum dimensions of the impeller (diameter and height up to 0.5 m) makes it possible to obtain 1.5-2.1 kW of electric energy and a motor with a 1.0 m diameter impeller and a height of 2.0 m produces about 6 kW of electric power. Minimum number of photovoltaic panels 10-12 units and their capacity is 1.3-1.4 kW of electric energy.

2.2. The main advantage of the energy installation is the use of alternative energy sources: wind and solar;

2.3. The solar collector of combined type with a heat-absorbing surface of 1.7 m2 has a thermal efficiency P = 550 W / m2 (in winter) and P = 510 W / m2 (summer period);

2.4. The photovoltaic panel of the solar collector the combined type with a working surface of 1.1 m2 provides for a light day the accumulation of electrical energy of the order of 55-65 A*h;

2.5. The wind-power engine can produce electrical energy at a wind speed of 0.7 to 8.0 m / s and higher;

2.6. High thermal characteristics of solar collectors of the combined type and accumulator of thermal energy are provided by the use of heat pipes or two-phase thermosyphons;

2.7. To increase the thermal efficiency of heat pipes and two-phase thermosyphons, as well as to expand the temperature range of their operation, binary coolants are used in them;

2.8. The energy installation operates in an autonomous mode. Control and regulation of work can be carried out remotely;

2.9. The consumption of generated electrical energy for own needs (drive of pumps, fans) does not exceed 1-3%.


3. Areas of use of the energy installation:

3.1. Residential, agricultural and industrial facilities located far from power supply centers;

3.2. Relay substations for radio and television lines;

3.3. Container cold rooms for cooling and temporary storage of vegetables and fruits;

3.4. Containers for the transport of products installed on the automobile chassis;

3.5. Field health facilities and mobile food enterprise;

3.6. For camps of geological detachments.



4. Economic feasibility of the use and making of the energy installation:

4.1. For the company of the developer and the manufacturer, the economic efficiency is determined as follows:

4.1.1. For a manufacturer who produces two or three types of energy installation a month (depending on the purpose of use and placement) and the number of 4-5 units per month, the profit will be about $ 100,000 - 150,000 per year;

4.1.2. When manufacturing an energy installation, for example, for a container refrigerating chamber with a vapor compression or absorption refrigeration machine in the amount of 12 units per year, the estimated annual profit will be $ 190,000 - 200,000;

4.1.3. The profit of the enterprise can be increased by 15-20% in the organization of the release of the replaced parts and assemblies, as well as the organization of installation and commissioning works;

4.1.3. The payback period from the acquisition of new equipment and processing of technology in the manufacture of serial models of energy installation for the manufacturer's enterprise will be on the order of 2.0-2.4 years;


4.2. For a company or enterprise that purchases an energy installation, the economic efficiency consists of the following indicators:

4.2.1. The energy installation with an average total capacity of 14 kW can produce 87,600 kWh of electric power and 24,190 kWh of heat energy per years;

4.2.2. For an energy installation with an average total capacity of 14 kW at a cost of 1 kWh of purchased electric energy of $ 0.08 and $ 0.16 of thermal energy, the minimum annual savings of the enterprise will be about $ 11,000;

4.2.3. When using a energy installation for producing cold (with of vapor compression or absorption refrigeration machine), the annual savings will be about $ 25,000-27,000;

4.2.4. The period of continuous operation (without mechanical damage and with planned inspection dates) is 12-15 years

4.2.5. The payback period of the energy installation depends on the purposes of use and placement can be: 2.3-2.8 years;


5. On the structural design of a number of elements of the energy installation, there are patent applications of Israel № 204394 of 10.03.2010, № 220297 of 11/06/2012, and the patent of the Republic of Lithuania LT № 6312 of 12.09.2016;