Quantity |
Symbol |
Value (with s.d. uncertainty) |
speed of light in vacuum |
c |
2.99792458 x 108 m.s-1 (exact) |
permeability of a vacuum |
m0 |
4p x 10-7 H.m-1 |
permittivity of a vacuum, 1/m0c2 |
e0 |
8.854187817... x 10-12 F.m-1 |
elementary charge (of proton) |
e |
1.60217733(49) x 10-19 C |
gravitational constant |
G |
6.67259(85) x 10-11 N.m2.kg-2 |
unified atomic mass constant |
mu |
1.6605402(10) x 10-27 kg |
rest mass: |
- of electron |
me |
9.1093897(54) x 10-31 kg |
me/mu |
5.48579903(13) x 10-4 |
- of proton |
mp |
1.6726231(10) x 10-27 kg |
mp/mu |
1.007276 470(12) |
mp/me |
1836.152701(37) |
- of neutron |
mn |
1.6749286(10) x 10-27 kg |
mn/mu |
1.008664904(14) |
energy equivalence of rest mass: |
- of electron, mec2/(e/C) |
0.51099906(15) MeV |
- of proton, mpc2/(e/C) |
938.27231(28) MeV |
- of neutron, mnc2/(e/C) |
939.56563(28) MeV |
Planck constant |
h |
6.6260755(40) x 10-34 J.s |
h/2p |
h |
1.054572 66(63) x 10-34 J.s |
Rydberg constant, m02mee4c3/8h3 |
RҐ |
1.0973731534(13) x 107 m-1 |
fine structure constant, m0e2c/2h |
a |
7.29735308(33) x 10-3 |
(m0e2c/2h)-1 |
a-1 |
137.0359895(61) |
Hartree energy, 2RҐhc |
Eh |
4.3597482(26) x 10-18 J |
Bohr radius, h2(pm0c2mee2) |
a0 |
5.291772 49(24) x 10-11 m |
electron radius, m0e2/(4pme) |
re |
2.81794092(38) x 10-15 m |
Compton wavelength: |
- of electron, h/mec |
lC |
2.42631058(22) x 10-12 m |
- of proton, h/mpc |
lC,p |
1.32141002(12) x 10-15 m |
- of neutron, h/mnc |
lC,n |
1.31959110(12) x 10-15 m |
Avogadro constant |
L, NA |
6.0221367(36) x 1023 mol-1 |
Faraday constant |
F |
9.6485309(29) x 104 C.mol-1 |
molar gas constant |
R |
8.314510(70) J.K-1.mol-1 |
Boltzmann constant, R/L |
k |
1.380658(12) x 10-23 J.K-1 |
Stefan-Boltzmann constant |
s |
5.67051(19) x 10-8 W.m-2.K-4 |
first radiation constant, 2phc2 |
c1 |
3.7417749(22) x 10-16 J.m2.s-1 |
second radiation constant, hc/k |
c2 |
1.438769(12) x 10-2 m.K |
Bohr magneton, eh/2me |
mB |
9.2740154(31) x 10-24 J.T-1 |
nuclear magneton, eh/2mp |
mN |
5.0507866(17) x 10-27 J.T-1 |
gyromagnetic ratio of proton |
gp |
2.67522128(81) x 108 s-1.T-1 |
gp/2p |
4.2577469(13) x 107 Hz.T-1 |
(proton in pure H2O)* |
g'p |
2.67515255(81) x 108 s-1.T-1 |
g'p/2p |
4.2576375(13) x 107 Hz.T-1 |
magnetic flux quantum, h/2e |
F0 |
2.06783461(61) x 10-15 V.s |
magnetic moment of electron |
me |
9.2847701(31) x 10-24 J.T-1 |
in terms of Bohr magneton |
me/mB |
1.001159652193(10) |
magneton magnetic moment of proton |
mp |
1.41060761(47) x 10-26 J.T-1 |
in terms of Bohr magneton |
mp/mB |
1.521032202(15) x 10-3 |
(proton in pure H2O)* |
mp'/mB |
1.520993129(17) x 10-3 |
in terms of nuclear magneton |
mp/mN |
2.792847386(63) |